Sunday, July 24, 2011

What a good day for Creativity

Wow what an amazing day for creativity~  The kitchen curtains are finally designed and complete except for trim which I need to go into town to purchase.  I will post photos of  what I have done so far.  The process really flowed today.  My mistake the other day I think was in trying to force it along, when clearly that is not where my creativity wished to go~  

I also developed a couple of really good ideas for future quilts and worked on a few of my WIP's ~

I tried something new today~ I made a skirt for myself from a commercial pattern.  I even followed the directions~  hummmmmmmmm Yes there were  many easier ways to have done the same thing and more quickly, but it was a good experience.  One to learn from when writing my own patterns.   Most of my work I design it as I go along, but I suspect that does not work for everyone ~ hehehe~


A cool variation of Sweet William  in my little planter

My rusty old radio flyer.  Can you imagine someone actually threw that  away!!!!!

Curtains still under construction~ They need some green trim, I am thinking dark green grossgrain ribbon
The little triangle things will be part of the Valance

Another view~ along with my iron, pattern pieces, cutting mat~  Who needs a table to eat anyway?
There is the skirt I made.  It came out quite well.  That quilt is one of the very first I ever made.  It is completely hand quilted

A better view

Monday, July 18, 2011

Oh my goodness what a day~~

Earlier on I had sort of rambled on about those days when  our art just wouldn't flow.  Well, today was that day for me.   I am feeling both discouraged and empowered~ which I suspect seems odd.  

I woke up with a migraine, which happens fairly frequently now.  I was pretty seriously assaulted by my former boyfriend in February of this year.  The Drs tell me it will take a while for the damage, physical and emotional to heal, so for now I just have to cope with the migraines, and their effect on my life.

I had really planned that today was going to be a day for ME.  I was going to hop up out of bed, get all of my chores done by 7 this morning and have all day to just design and sew.    And it was partially there. 

 I was out of bed by 7.  I am always out of bed by 7.  I did get some of my chores done, just not all of them and none of them by 7  as I wanted, but still~~  I got some of them done.

I worked on the quilt I am hoping to have finished for my ETSY store by the weekend.  I am not happy with what I did today.  So I will look at it tomorrow when the headache is gone and If I still am not happy I will pick it out and re-do it.  And that will be ok.  

I was given a gorgeous piece of fabric by a dear friend, and have used it to as the inspiration to design kitchen curtains.     Of course I have done at least as much UN-sewing today as I have sewing, but it is still a start and tomorrow will be better!!!

My point, and yes there is one~ I feel like crap.  My sewing machine Mildred, and I have not had a pleasent word to say to each other all day.  I have done more UN- sewing than sewing, 


 the design came.  It WILL look good.  The quilt will get finished, and listed, if not by this weekend, than maybe by next.  My chores will get done.  The ones that bugged me the most did get done.

I feel empowered.  I am getting through this.  I am getting through the physical and emotional pain from the assault.  I am getting through the creative block.  I am getting through my sewing machine being a putz today.   I got some things accomplished, and I just kept plugging along~

Even though I feel like crap~ It's a good day!!!


Kitchen window before hopefully there will be an after to post soon

Pretty Fabric just waiting to be sewn up

And we are re ready to start sewing~ or so we thought!!  lol!!

close up of our pretty fabric


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Triskele~ Tris~ key~lee Irish for Trinity

Random thoughts on a Saturday night~~

I worked today at the Emergency Room after two of the most amazing days off ever. I got to spend the two days with some of the people that I love most in the world, surrounded by the beauty of the ocean, and the Maine woods.

After work this evening I was planting some flowers and I found myself thinking a great deal about the concept of Triskele as it applies to my life.  Triskele~ Trinity~ symmetry.  The beauty of the number 3 as it appears in nature, in flowers and leaves.    

As it appears in the triskele of our pop culture~ Live Laugh Love or Hope Dream Achieve

Also as it applies to my quilting, my photography, and my fire fighting.  Again three, a triskele, three elements of my life that are an important part of who I am and that balance out who I wish to be.



Saturday, July 9, 2011

The beauty of the day

Good morning everyone!! 
So far this weekend has been the stuff of dreams~ at least for me. I have a retired Standardbred track horse who HAD never been ridden, at least until yesterday!!!!! It has been a long time in the works establishing the trust necessary but SOOOOOO worth it. So I am beyond pumped!!!
We have been working on my riding her seriously for about 3 months in between various life crisis.  I have also had to spend time riding other horses to improve my skills, so that when I rode her it would be fun for us both.  
For me to effectively work with horses I know I need to be calm and centered.  I have to let go of any fear, or negative feelings that I may have brought to the barn with me.  This allows me to work with the horses in an environment of trust. 
Horses are prey animals.  They are very sensitive to the vibe, if you will, and feelings that the Alpha in the herd, in the barn that is the human, is broadcasting.   Those feelings are what tell the horse if it is safe, can I trust you,  is everything ok~
The interesting thing for me is that I have noticed that the more I work with the horses, cleaning up after them, grooming them, riding them, loving them, the better my quilting is.  The simple mechanics of the quarter inch seam, which some how is NEVER as easy as it ought to be, machine quilting, fabric choices, even the design process.  The techniques are just easier somehow.  
If I just take that little bit of time to center and focus~ everything is richer, the dimension deeper,  it just seems to flow.  I will be putting up my design wall soon and I can hardly wait to see where that will take me.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Thinking About the Creative Process

Today I  have spent a great deal of time thinking about the creative process. 

I wonder why some days, the quilting, piecing,  and appliqué just seem to flow, as if the entire process is able to blur the line that separates the internal world from the external.  The designs jump from my brain onto the paper or into the computer, the sewing machine knows before I do what the fabric wants to do.  The fabrics themselves seem to shimmer and dance as they place themselves into the magic of the art. 

And there there are the OTHER days~~ days of darkness and gloom.  Of sullen reflection, and trips to emergency, when our very tools themselves attack us.  The designs won't speak.  The fabrics won't go together.  The stitches break.  The rotary cutter tries to get us~  and it feels like the magic is gone.  

The challenge is to find the renewal of the magic and creativity.  The ability to step back from our art, to take that time to listen to the birds sing, practice our photography, or spend time with our families.  To walk and absorb nature, to think our thoughts.  To use the time to be able to come back to our art refreshed with a new soul, and a whole heart.

To let the magic sing!!


Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July

So here it is the birthday of our Nation. I think about that as I sit in my parlor listening to the distant thunder of the fire works in Winslow.  Thinking about the children young and old OOOOhhhing and Ahhhing as the beautiful lights explode in the sky.  

But, while I think about the fire works, and the parades, and the Fire trucks all bright and shiny ~ yes I admit the Fire trucks were always my favorites~~ I also think about the men and women who are serving our country right now who are cold, tired, hungry, and lonely.  Who are missing their family and friends.  Who have seen and done things that no young person should ever have to see or do,  all because of Honor.  Respect.  Dignity.  Courage.  

So often in this country, especially around election time, when most politicians are willing to sell their mother to a brothel to get elected, it is easy to be embarrassed to be an American.  

And yet, we can never truly be embarrassed to be American.  As long as there are men and women willing to give up time with their family and friends, travel to hostile lands, to be routinely scared and alone.   Men and women who are willing to lose people there that they grow to love, or to lose their own lives all to protect the freedom of people who they have never met and who will never know they existed~~ To protect the rights of people will disrespect them~  As long as these young people are willing to make the sacrifices that they routinely make, then we can never be embarrassed to be American no matter HOW  bone headed our politicians can be.

So today, on the birthday of our nation I just want to say Thank you to the members of our Armed Forces past, present, and future.  You are appreciated!!!



Saturday, July 2, 2011

Welcome to my little blog~

So, having gotten through one of the worse years of my life, and now starting the second half of 2011 I have decided that it is time to explore all of the wonder filled things that are out there in the world as we know it.  

I have just moved into a lovely little apartment and find myself living alone for the first time in my life.  While I miss the constant ruckus of small and large voices, the quiet is also peaceful.  

As I write this I am looking out my living room window,  listening to the sound of the wind blowing through my wind chimes.  The sky is a soft blue  and the green of the leaves makes a dramatic counterpoint against the sky.  A cedar wax wing sits  on a pine bough looking curiously at the chime as it sings softly in the breeze.  

I have hung many of my art works, some my own creations and some the gifts of others.  I have put the key elements of my studio in place, and spent most of today sewing and planing future projects.  The cable man commeth and so now I can connect with the world during those times when I wish to. 

All things considered, a day to feel joyful about.

